Monday, June 9, 2008

Salacious Banter Reading Series
Thursday, June 26th

Jess Mynes
Michael Carr
Dana Ward

Food & Drinks @ 6:30
(some will be provided, but please bring your own)
Reading @s close to 7:30
as good taste and decorum allow.

900 S 5th St.
(5th & Walker / Enter on Walker)
salaciousbanter AT gmail DOT com

Jess Mynes lives in Wendall, MA (that's Massachusetts, folks!) where he edits Fewer & Further Press and runs the all small caps reading series. Chapbooks include Birds for Example, Coltsfoot Insularity (w/ Aaron Tieger), In(ex)teriors, and Full on Jabber (w / Christopher Rizzo). Several more are forthcoming. Poems are in Shampoo (here & here), The Cultural Society, and loads of other places as well.

Michael Carr, along with
Dorothea Lasky, publishes chapbooks under the Katalanché Press moniker. He edited last year's blockbuster The Book of Prophecies by John Wieners and is part of the Boston Poetry Collective. His chapbooks include Platinum Blonde and Softer White.

Dana Ward edits Cy Press from his home in Cincinnati. OMG Press recently published For Paris in Prison, a collaboration with
Matthew Hughes Boyko (no word on whether or not she got it). Two chapbooks, The Imaginary Lives of My Neighbors and The Wrong Tree, are available online in pdf format from Duration Press and Dusie Press, respectively. Visit to see him in action.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Previously On...

Images stolen from Kevin Thurston & Gina Myers